26th January 2025

Search Trotton with Chithurst parish council

Trotton with Chithurst parish council Serving the people of Trotton and Chithurst

Sign up to your community services

Protecting your privacy

Ours is such a small community that, in the past, we operated fairly informally, with various people keeping lists of names and contact details for various different purposes. We didn't need to tell you what we were going to do with the information or even get your permission to add you to the list.

With the introduction of the "General data protection regulations" (GDPR), we have strictly tightened our rules and systems. We still have the electoral register information which we store only in a highly secure database registered with the Information Commissioner, but we now seek specific permission to store any additional information, and you can ask us to remove it at any time.

Making it easy for you

We'd like to make this as easy as possible for you. You can sign up here for each list you are happy for us to add you to (or keep you on). Please fill in your name and email address and then tick the selected boxes and give any further information beside it. Please note that, even if you are on a list – eg the First Friday list – we need you to give us permission to keep you on it. There is a link to our full privacy notice on the bottom of every page of this website.

News and event reminder emails

If you sign up to our news / event list, you will usually receive just one email per month reminding you to sign up for our "First Friday" informal suppers and giving you other news and dates for your diary. We won't usually send you any more messages than this, unless something unusual happens (such as a spate of local break-ins or an extra short-notice local event).

R and T News (our monthly community magazine)

The council co-operates with the next-door parish of Rogate in producing the monthly Rogate & Trotton news, trying to give residents of both parishes a summary of local and community news. Notices, articles and other news are always welcome and can be sent to the editor at this address.

The magazine is run by a small committee who look after the editing, setting, advertising, distribution and financial matters. It is self funding (mainly through advertising) and prints over 400 copies each month. The annual subscription rates are shown below, and individual copies (£1.00) are available from Rogate Stores.

To get a password to read it online, or to have the magazine delivered to your door each month, please fill in the details below and we will add you to the subscriber list. As with the other lists, we guarantee not to use these details for any other purpose.

Emergency & resiliency resources

There have been times when it has been much quicker (and cheaper) for us to get local volunteers to clear a fallen tree, move a pile of rubbish or even save a life with our defibrillator (in Mill Lane) than to rely only on other services. If you have training or equipment that could help in a crisis, please fill in the bottom part of the form below and we will put you on our emergency & resiliency resource list.

My details:

As stated above, we will NEVER pass these to anyone else without your permission

* Required Field


Parish communication and local email news / events / alerts

We would like to include your on our email list for local news / events / alerts (including First Friday reminders) - usually not more than one or two emails per month. Please indicate your preferences below:

Monthly local news magazine: R & T News

Available online (£8 p.a.), or delivered to your door (£10 p.a.) or by post (£19 p.a.)

Local emergency self-help

Can you offer any resources / services to help out in any local emergency?

Last updated: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 15:52