16th October 2024

Search Trotton with Chithurst parish council

Trotton with Chithurst parish council Serving the people of Trotton and Chithurst


Vacancy on parish council

Vacancy on parish council

Colleen Homan has resigned as a member of the council, so that a vacancy now exists for someone to replace her. Residents were given notice of the vacancy and there were no calls for a full election. The parish council has therefore been ordered by Chichester DC to co-opt a new member at a full PC meeting - ie to select a new member from any nominations received from volunteers.

The PC meeting will... Read More »

Posted: Thu, 26 Sep 2024

Tags: Elections

SDNP design award voting open

Following the success of the inaugural awards in 2019, the South Downs Design Awards are back.

Design Awards recognise and promote high standards of design and raise awareness of the positive contribution that good design can make to the quality of our local environments.

The Awards celebrate projects that have made a standout contribution to the landscape, heritage, built environment and our local communities.... Read More »

Posted: Mon, 29 Jul 2024

Tags: SDNP items

Annual accounting return published and accounts available for public inspection

Monday June 10th, 2024

This is a statutory notice that the parish council has approved its annual governance and accountability return and that the period of public rights to view its unaudited accounts for the financial year 2023/24 will open on Monday 10th June and close on Friday 19th July 2024. If you wish to inspect the accounts, please apply to the parish clerk by email at clerk@trottonpc.org.uk... Read More »

Posted: Mon, 10 Jun 2024

Tags: Annual return, Finance

Parish action plan approved, team leaders appointed

At its meeting on 10 January, the parish council approved the initial action plan drafted by the priorities task group and based on the residents survey in autumn 2023.

As part of the plan, parish council members agreed to lead one action plan team each and to recruit non-PC members to join their team, in an attempt to broaden the input and resources of the teams.

These teams should now be recruited... Read More »

Posted: Thu, 11 Jan 2024

Tags: Action plan

Parish priorities statement submitted to SDNPA

Parish priorities statement submitted to SDNPA

Like 2/3 of the parishes in the South Downs National Park, our parish council (PC) had decided it did not have the resources or the need to produce a neighbourhood development plan meeting the requirements laid down by the government in 2016. However, the 2023 Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill introduced a much less proscribed and onerous way for parishes to set out their visions for the future and... Read More »

Posted: Tue, 17 Oct 2023

Tags: Parish Priority Statement

Trotton bonfire & fireworks 2023 event cancelled

Trotton bonfire & fireworks 2023 event cancelled

Sadly, the popular Trotton bonfire and fireworks event will not take place this year, due to late notice of no venue!

Our traditional "bonfire field" was previously owned by the Cowdrey Estate, who leased it to farmers with a condition that they must allow this community event every Nov 5. However, they did not include this condition in the recent sale agreement and the new owner informed us - too late... Read More »

Posted: Sun, 15 Oct 2023

Tags: Public event

Annual audit completed

The annual audit by the government-appointed auditor, required because the one-off "Operation Watershed" work on drains near Trotton Bridge pushed our expenditure / income above £25,000, has been completed, with our annual return figures fully approved.

Posted: Thu, 24 Aug 2023

Tags: Annual return

Parish council launches draft priorities statement and resident survey

Parish council launches draft priorities statement and resident survey

Following the government initiative earlier in the year to introduce Parish Priority Statements, as a "lite" version of Neighbourhood Plans, the South Downs National Park Authority encouraged all parishes without approved Neighbourhood Plans to produce a parish priority statement, pledging to take these into account when reviewing its own Local Plan - as long as they are backed by significant resident... Read More »

Posted: Tue, 1 Aug 2023

Tags: Parish Priority Statement

New parish council takes over with only one change

In the local government elections on 4th May 2023, Carola Brown resigned as chairman and from the council (after 30+ years!). All other members agreed to stand for re-election and there was only one volunteer, Max Maharajh of Mill Lane, for the vacant place, so all nominated candidates were re-elected without opposition. The new council is shown on the website HERE.

Posted: Wed, 10 May 2023

Tags: Elections

2023 annual report to residents delivered to all households

The parish council continued its tradition of publishing an "Annual report to residents" to summarise its work for the past year, and the latest copy was circulated to every household in the parish in the week leading up to the annual parish meeting on 7th May 2023. The report is available in our document store HERE.

Posted: Wed, 10 May 2023

Tags: Annual report

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